(Chandler, The Castle) Lauren & Eric

(Chandler, The Castle) Lauren & Eric

300+ weddings, I must have done. I lost count but its gotta be more or less around that number. Lets say 300 is the magical number. I have enjoyed 298 of them. Of those, a lot were my favorites, and yes the ranking changes, my favorite weddings will always be my favorites. The wedding of LAUREN & ERIC, there aren't enough words to describe the amount of fun I had at this wedding. Lauren is a dear friend with who I attended Arizona State University. Having had a few classes, we developed a friendship and due to her being an excellent photographer, there were times where I needed her professional help. She covered numerous events for me as a friend and never charged me a dime. I knew in the back of my mind that if she ever needed, I would do everything in my power to help. When she had her wedding date set, SHE PAID the venue to have an outsider-DJ at her wedding. Her "DJ" would have been included in the price for the venue but she didnt care, she lost out on a DJ of the venues choosing and had to pay extra.... I was humbled beyond belief and wanted to do the best that I could. Very little was asked of me, some lights, mixing music for ceremony and reception. One of the highlights was that her father and sister sang at the ceremony. The timeline was just perfect, the speeches were from the heart and sweet. The groomsmen did a hilarious performance. The couple was on the dance floor pretty much the whole time. And their friends, sincerest bunch to entertain. No one was overbearing with their requests, they were dancing to everything the couple had requested and everything else I played. The food, the cake, the decor were all wonderful. The venue, one of my favorites, sophisticated enough to match the exquisite taste of the bride and groom. The photographer, Mr. Trevor Dayley, arguably one of the top wedding photographers to have ever lived. 

(Orlando, FL) Hafeez & Neelm

(Orlando, FL) Hafeez & Neelm

It is always a great honor of be the DJ at a wedding. There are literally THOUSANDS of DJ's to choose from, but anytime I book a wedding, I am humbled and honored. It is even a greater honor when you're chosen to DJ another wedding in a family. Time and time again, I am chosen to do so and its always fantastic. This one was a little more special because the first wedding for the Hameer family was my absolute favorite wedding for years and is still one of my favorite ones. A second wedding for the same family and that too as exquisite as that of Hafeez & Neelm. The details behind this wedding was spectacular and it was an honor to be a part of it. The Hameers and other families associated are a sophisticated and well-organized bunch. Needless to say that they are extremely thoughtful and caring and at both weddings, the families made me feel important. That factor isnt important and that factor alone never makes me favor any weddings but they are so kind and these two weddings were a blast. The bride and groom had a sweet energy to them and their friends were a lot of fun to mix for. Here are photos and the video.

DJ Adi - Premier Indian Wedding DJ in Arizona Picture
DJ Adi - Premier Indian Wedding DJ in Arizona Picture
DJ Adi - Premier Indian Wedding DJ in Arizona Picture
DJ Adi - Premier Indian Wedding DJ in Arizona Picture
DJ Adi - Premier Indian Wedding DJ in Arizona Picture
DJ Adi - Premier Indian Wedding DJ in Arizona Picture
DJ Adi - Premier Indian Wedding DJ in Arizona Picture

(Sunriver, OR) Niki & Amit

Oregon. Sunriver. Sunriver Resort. Pacific North West. What more do you need to make a Wedding absolutely perfect? However, that wasn't enough. Welcome party under the stars where the grass was the dance floor. Baraat where the grooms processional involved the grooms own RED CONVERTIBLE 1992 BMW. The baraat where I, while playing the dhol with the music had the grooms side dancing up to meet the brides side to my right and the brides side dancing up to meet the grooms side to my left, a sight I shall forever cherish. Ceremony with a lake, green golf course, trees and a snow-covered mountain in the background. Reception in a historic resort ballroom made completely of wood. Decor in the most naturally elegant manner. Great photography, one of the most fantastic wedding coordinators and most importantly a couple whose love and excitement for life could be seen all in their smiles, laughs and every facial expression. The families and friends, all 220 of them were there to celebrate the joining of two very wonderful and very loved people. Making them dance was easier than ever. It was definitely a party to remember forever and I am super grateful that I had the opportunity to facilitate their celebration. There are some Weddings that do too much, some do too little, but some get it just perfect. The Wedding of Niki & Amit, was just that. Until I receive permission to post photos from the wonderful photographers, enjoy the photo I got from their Instagram page and the link to their blog. :)


Bridal Bliss


Jos Studios

Venue: Sunriver Resort, OR


DJ Adi - Premier Indian Wedding DJ in Arizona Picture
DJ Adi - Premier Indian Wedding DJ in Arizona Picture